Clergy have as much education as attorneys. 4 years college, 3 years seminary, and perhaps another few on phd.
so they should not be paid?
Most churches are small. 200 members or less. They have probably 1 full time pastor with as much education as an attorney
maybe 2 assistant pastors part time making much less
and mayyybe a part time secretary that may not even be paid.
thats the reality for most churches
so of course most of their money would go for salaries.
Our church building is 150 years old, its nice. built by the people there and maintained with volunteer labor. Though we did hire someone to install air conditioning .. OMG a church with AC, how extravagant and wasteful said Judas
just not much in the way of reality here
we have a budget of around 200,000.. and half of that is for salaries yes., but our pastor has a PHD and works 80 hours a week at least.. we pay for electricity, i know lights are so extravagant when we could feed someone on that.
BUT we buy groceries for 150 families each week,
we help people who have needs in other areas.
we spend well over 200,000 on helping people .if you count all the volunteer work.. and o h my we introduce them to jesus .. scandalous i know
how about a little reality?