I appreciate ths article a lot. Indeed many people who criticize others for "blind faith" have a lot of it themselves.
I was in the news businesss for 30 plus years, and I see the changes. In that time every institution that exists has become evil. Every piece of history must be redone so that the good guys are the bad guys and the bad guys are the good guys.
Orwell was a prophet. Its just that its happening a few years after 1984. History is being rewritten. I have seen things dissapear on the Internet...Swaths of information just gone..
And no one is asking why?
Why did all our institutions become evil in 30 years or so, and what has really changed?
Remember watergate. The "liberal media" covered that very objectively and presented many angles. Today it would not be so. Our culture knew the difference between "news" and "opinion" then.