I was appalled and outraged when I saw those jesus signs in live tv coverage. Its nothing short of blasphemy.
Something changed in the late 80s. Those ideas were around a long time but they were more lunatic fringe until something happened.
I was a student at a conservative seminary in 1991. We had speakers visit often. One came and talked what is now the things you described. It was rejected soundly. It was the only time I saw students leave an assembly while a speaker talked. It was also the only time I heard professors criticize a speaker. Now that would be normal far right ideology. Administration apologized for not vetting guest speakers enough. It was a small scandal.
I believe it is a spiritual delusion . I can’t see any other explanation for blatantly ignoring and perverting the scriptures.
It was not that long ago when this was considered heresy and extremist in evangelical circles.