Some interesting questions there.
Part of the problem is a lack of reliance on the holy spirit and the supernatural aspects.
One point though, for 1500 years the printing press had not been invented and only the very wealthy could afford books. make that extremely wealthy.
it was not so much they were not allowed to read the bible, it was more that it was just not physically available to the masses, and even literacy was not very high ...
Im not sure i agree with the premise,
its all over medium, and the media, how awful the church is , how awful christians are bla bla bla bla
i dont see that in my real life
i live in a small rural town
go to the biggest and oldest church in town, attendance went down during covid but we are back now ... we buy groceries for about 100 families a month, help people with utility bills, emergency housing, car maintenance and on and on ... and some people get saved too. .
there are several churches like that.
there still a lot of good churches out there, and a lot of good people. .
i think the media exaggerates how bad the church is
and i have proof ... if you write a story negative about the church it will get promoted on medium, and if it is remotely positive it will get burried
Twice I have published the same story twice on Medium, one with a negative headline about the church and one positive - the only difference was the headline ...the difference in readership was amazing .. like 1000 - 10
thats no accident lol
my take is more that our culture has rejected christianity and it is being demonized by the culture.