THis is good
but i think people need to take a little responsibility instead of expecting the "church" to do magical things for them, entertain them, take care of the kids ect.
five percent of the people do 95 percent of the work ..
Our church. Pastor offered to show anyone how ot do inductive greek studies, how to use study guides to learn deeper nuances in the bible.
Out of 300 people i was the only taker.
We offered how to do bible study classes.
out of 300 ... 3-4 people would show up.
We offered basic theology .. how to do it ... maybe 5 showed up and 1 finished.
Spiritual disciplines .. fasting, prayer, meditations etct. .. glazed over looks
Yet we didnt teach them anything.
Need help with mowing the lawn, painting a hallway, maybe sweeping up ... nope thats the pastors job, between visiting the sick, preparing sermons and all the rest.
I dont see blaming the church for lack of spiritual development.
Its like being physically it .. you cant do it laying on the couch wondering why some power structure didnt do it for you.
but they still want to blame the church